
Welcome to Saturn documentation. Saturn is a Python framework to run and orchestrate job pipelines. It’s developed by Flare as their core job management system to power most of their data collection and analysis pipelines. It targets pipelines high-throughput and efficient scheduling.


This project is under active development.


  • Topics

    • Architecture

      • Inventory

      • Topics

      • Executors

      • Services

    • Error Handling

    • Backpressure

    • Job states

  • References

    • All Builtings Topics

    • All Builtings Inventory

    • All Builtings Services

  • Guides

    • Create an Inventory or a Topic

    • Create a Service

    • Debug backpressure

    • Common Patterns

      • Subjobs

      • Loop until condition is met

    • Developer Guide

      • Setup local environment

      • Run tests and linting

      • Release

This documentation have been inspired and adapted from project like Divio or Django CMS.