:: _job:

4. Topics#

Now that we have our first pipeline, we can use it within a job to process a set of data.

A job is made of three main compoent:


A job input will yields multiple message to be processed by a pipeline. This can be a streaming topic or a batch of object.


A pipeline is a function that does the actual processing, receiving inputs and creating new messages that can be forwarded to outputs.


Outputs are topics that can publish new message. It is common for a job output to also be the input of another jobs.

All Saturn components are defined through YAML topology files.

4.1. Input Topic#

A job input and outputs are references to Topics or Inventories defined as component, so let’s start with this:

apiVersion: saturn.flared.io/v1alpha1
kind: SaturnTopic
  name: input-topic
  type: StaticTopic
    - {"id": "0", "args": {"word": "hello"}}
    - {"id": "1", "args": {"word": "world"}}

This first component define a topic that yield items defined in the YAML. It can be seen as a static list of message to process.

The first two line allow to define the kind of component we are defining:

apiVersion: saturn.flared.io/v1alpha1
kind: SaturnTopic

Here the most important part is SaturnTopic that identify this YAML object as a Topic.

We then set some metadata:

  name: input-topic

name is the only required metadata. It is going to be used by other component to refer to this Topic.

Finally the spec, define component instance itself:

  type: StaticTopic

The type attribute define the class used to create this Topic. Saturn comes with a few builtins topic type that are useful for most basic scenario.

  - {"id": "0", "args": {"word": "hello"}}
  - {"id": "1", "args": {"word": "world"}}

Each topic have options that is used to configure a specific instance. Here we define the message we want to yield from this topic.